I. THE CONTENT OF THE COURSE: This course provides an introduction to basic Biblical creation. This is the first course in a series of courses related to creation/evolution. No prior knowledge of the subject is needed. The student will learn what the Bible says in the first eleven chapters of Genesis. Terms and concepts are covered so the student has a firm foundation upon which to build a solid creation apologetic.

II. THE PURPOSE OF THE COURSE: The purpose of the course is to provide the student with an understanding of the biblical account of the origin of the world and universe.

III. THE OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The main objective of this course is to introduce the student of the Bible to the study of origins, thus allowing the student to gain an overview of Biblical knowledge on the subject of how all things came into being.

IV. SUBJECTS AND EVENTS TO BE COVERED: 1. Creation week 2. The Garden of Eden 3. Pre-flood world 4. The flood 5. The post-flood world

While this is a self-paced course, CTU recommends that you finish the lessons at a pace of 1 lesson every two weeks.